Walking the dog as I am allowed to do and noticed LSV guys having a great old time on their Jet Skis when boating, SUP, kiting, paddling you know the drill are all banned in Port Philip Bay.
Great look LSV and I pretty sure LSV is not an essential service
I initially thought it was a dude on a little ice-berg and read on. I lost interest when I realised it was a petty whine.
yeah was a whinge but got hassled by them the other day when going for a swim which we are allowed to do
So got the back up when I saw them out today.
After watching ch9 news this morning, the chair were interviewing two top cops on how things were panning out with the general public adhering to the latest restrictions in relation to moving about and whos allowed and who isn't under the guide lines.
Disappointing to hear both these officers actually bordering on bragging on how many fines their states cops had handed out. Qld was near on $700,000 NSW I didn't catch the number quoted.
Are the general public in both these states that flippant about the dangers, or maybe the cops in these states are a little too eager to shore up state coffers
In both cases the senior cops came across as little jack booted clowns with the attitude.
The NSW cop wasn't Mike Fuller, who to date, looks to be in similar vein as the retiring Fire chief Fitzsimmons
Hi Deefer
I believe on April 2 LSV announced
- All regular patrols at all clubs will cease
- LSV will go to emergency response only
- Public patrons who swim do so at their own risk
I stand to be corrected if anyone has more information, this is what I read on our LSC email.
An Indian Police officer it was reported was beating someone with a stick for not social distancing or whatever.
Others rocked up and they ended cutting the Police officers lower arm off. It was saved and they are now trying to join it on again