Just trying to figure this one out....
I'm first in line at a red light, on a dual carriageway, left lane. Another car is in the right lane next to me. Traffic behind both of us in a queue. Motor bike weaves through the traffic and settles between the two cars at the front, snug fit but there he is. Lights turn green, guy on the bike is in another world. The car next to me takes off slowly, but I hang back because Mr motor bike is pretty close to my front bumper, still not moving. He then wakes up, takes off and the abuse starts, from Mr motor bike to the car in the outside lane. The whole road rage episode, fist shaking, slow down speed up, fingers all over the place...
So to the motor bike riders on the forum, what is the deal? I think technically they are not supposed to be there, but often get away with it because they are first out of the blocks. Was he just an angry little fella, off his meds or did he have a right to have us wait until he woke up?
Maybe he was given a fright and some people don't handle that well. Bikes will lane split regardless if it's legal or not.
I lane split, but i generally won't go right to the front. Instead I sit just behind, with my front wheel about level with their rear bumper.
This allows me to see exactly what the front two cars are doing when the lights change. Normally I'm through the gap and gone before the car has moved.
I don't think anyone (including me) really likes having a bike right next to them at the lights, just gives you another thing to worry about and lots of people are stressed out enough driving, another reason to put myself in the gap behind.
I tend not to get too upset when people do stupid stuff when I'm on the bike as I treat every car as if it's trying to kill me, so am never surprised when people pull out in front of me or change lane into me etc etc...
Sounds like your guy was simply being a d***head!
Lane filtering rules
Lane filtering is when you ride your motorcycle at low speed between stationary or slow moving vehicles travelling in the same direction you are. The 2 lines or lanes of traffic must both be travelling in the same direction. If one of the lines or lanes is a dedicated turning lane (left or right) you must not lane filter using this lane.
You're only allowed to lane filter in Queensland if you hold an open licence for the motorcycle you are riding and:
your speed when filtering is 30km/h or less
it's safe to do so.
You're not allowed to lane filter:
at a speed more than 30km/h
in school zones during school zone hours
if you're a learner or provisional licence holder
if it isn't safe.
To ensure pedestrian safety, lane filtering is only allowed between stationary or slow moving vehicles, not between a vehicle and the kerb. Any vehicle, including a motorcycle may overtake to the left of a stationary vehicle. Read more about overtaking to the left.
Nothing in the above rules says its ok to be a wanker, think your motorcylcist was out of line.
In this situation I would come right to the front and pull in front of one of the lanes so my intentions were clear to the cars. Riding a motorcycle you need to learn very quickly to chill and not get upset at every little thing, taking on a car, they get a scratch but you break bones...
in this case based on the evidence at hand, the rider is a dick...
I had a similar incident recently and I was the bike lane spliting (filtering) but when the light changed I was ready and accelerated away (much faster than the cars) and I then took up position in the left lane.. The old guy in the car that was on my right roared up in the right lane and slowed alongside me.. He then moved into my lane pushing me towards the parked cars..
I could have accelerated away but because we were at the speed limit I decided to slow down and let him move across in front of me.. So he also slows keeping level with me and continuing to squeeze me against the parked cars.. I looked across and he was looking at me and knowing what he was doing so I reached across quickly with my right hand and slapped his mirror thinking it would fold back like they normally do.. but it didn't.. My hand went quickly back to my accelerator and as I sped off I looked in my mirror to see his mirror bouncing down the road..
He stopped behind me at the next lights.. got out of his car and said he was going to the cops because I broke his mirror.. I said go for it.. It's been more than a few weeks now and haven't heard a thing..
Pot smokers can get hangry too
They can also get quite paranoid and see many more things as threats. Riding a bike you have to assume everyone wants to run you over if you want to stay alive, imagine being highly paranoid at the same time
its legal in WA, provided you stay on one side of solid white line - bike (wheels) and foot must be on same side of line
I have seen motor cycle cops in WA do it at traffic lights so thought it must be legal. Maybe it is a do as I say not as I do rule.