There is commonly accepted misconception that windsurfers are.
Now thanks to social media we could perform scientific study.
Lets do this quiz : Kiters and Polies are invited to send their scores.Then we could work out average of top 10 for each group.
Just click on the link to get your own IQ calculated by Facebook :
Not really a fair test when most polers are really old and dont even know what facebook is, let alone can work out how to join it.
I don't know who is smarter out of kiters and polies but I had a guy from the wakeboarding industry tell me once that kiters are way smarter than wakeboarders...
Macro, talk about walking into it. And i apologise in advance.
But given that you got run over by a bloke in a boat and it took 4 jet skiers rideing double and even using ropes to try capture me yet they still did not get me.
Id say kiters win.
So it goes
psycho in a boat,
2 bogan jetski couples with ropes,
then windsurfer in that order.
There is another 100 % accurate test.We all know that Blondie are famous for their intelligence.
So which sports attract more Blondie ?
She thinks, snowboarding is fun ....
Its easy ,
Windsurfers are always smiling and look daggy.
Kiters seem to be grumpy and need to color match.
I only need to be smart enough to know that i want to smile
And ...... kiters get bored of what there doing before they get old.
Whats the point of kiting once youve lost your youthful looks ?
There are at least 7 kinds of intelligence. Eg, academic, artistic, athletic, aesthetic, arguementive (KBD's specialty), body awareness, charismatic, diplomatic, financial, futuristic, so there are ten so far. Which particular one are we talking about here??
I had to pull this old forum up.
Today a Kiter with a euro accent ( couldnt pick where from ) came up to me while I was de rigging.
Polite guy and was asking about the conditions.
He noticed the tide was low ( and it was ) and said " is it this low always and is it because it's summer "
It was a big bay connected to the ocean.
I rest my case.