^^ she is doing that diamond thing that means you are illuminati or somethingwhere's the regular nutters i mean posters from the CT threads?
Take your pick!
Select to expand quotesouthace said..Take your pick!
Check the 100mtr hurdles heatsMinge fest
.i wanna see the ladiez 400 chicks with dxcks race. All 3 favourites are intersex.
^^ even as a cartoon that is hypnotising evlPanda might go download some more risque anime...
I think the women would have a noticeable advantage over the hurdles than the men.
Yulia Levchenko
NZ women's pole vaulter
The Polish cycling team.... They can't even afford matching cycling helmets...
Let's have some equality Gizmo - where's the girls team....
Ok then.. Still no matching helmets!!!! And one of the other teams...
I like Ingrid Oliveira - diver from brazil
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