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Doomsday Preppers

Created by Shanty > 9 months ago, 5 Aug 2019
QLD, 487 posts
5 Aug 2019 9:06PM
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I have recently seen a show on TV titled "Doomsdsy Preppers". About people in America who are planning for different disasters the world could throw at them in the near future. The thread by Elmo called "this is criminal" jogged my memory.

When I first watched this show I thought. What a bunch of tossers as I watched a fat guy shooting holes in the side of his shed. Now I think maybe they are smarter than they look, with all the recent happenings in the world. Political pressures, natural disasters, increased poverty, etc.

seeing as Australia only has a 28 day reserve before we run out fuel in the case of an emergency. And essentially screw over a whole nation, I was wondering if you know anyone who does this.

If i where to do this, I would go claim an island in North Queensland. Living in paradise sipping margaritas, playing guitar, fishing, swimming, sailing all while the rest of the country's on its knees.

PS this show is available free on the internet for those who want to watch.


350 posts
5 Aug 2019 8:38PM
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Shanty said..
I would go claim an island in North Queensland. Living in paradise sipping margaritas, playing guitar, fishing, swimming, sailing all while the rest of the country's on its knees.

comes to island paradise with machine gun
takes your margaritas and guitar

WA, 3204 posts
5 Aug 2019 8:49PM
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My doomsday plan is to boot one of these preppers out of their hole in the ground, should the need arise.

NSW, 5784 posts
5 Aug 2019 10:51PM
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I'm gonna learn the words to kumbaya

NSW, 251 posts
5 Aug 2019 11:13PM
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Shanty said..
I have recently seen a show on TV titled "Doomsdsy Preppers". About people in America who are planning for different disasters the world could throw at them in the near future. The thread by Elmo called "this is criminal" jogged my memory.

When I first watched this show I thought. What a bunch of tossers as I watched a fat guy shooting holes in the side of his shed. Now I think maybe they are smarter than they look, with all the recent happenings in the world. Political pressures, natural disasters, increased poverty, etc.

seeing as Australia only has a 28 day reserve before we run out fuel in the case of an emergency. And essentially screw over a whole nation, I was wondering if you know anyone who does this.

If i where to do this, I would go claim an island in North Queensland. Living in paradise sipping margaritas, playing guitar, fishing, swimming, sailing all while the rest of the country's on its knees.

PS this show is available free on the internet for those who want to watch.


Its ideology is based logically !

WA, 3204 posts
5 Aug 2019 9:15PM
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As a slight deviation to this topic, why does spag bol taste better reheated the night after?

QLD, 998 posts
6 Aug 2019 5:42AM
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Scorpion chilli . Now that's a doomsday pepper.

QLD, 487 posts
6 Aug 2019 6:55AM
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QLD, 6806 posts
6 Aug 2019 9:03AM
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Give us some receipt for kanguru meal. On may remote outback farm it could be main source of proteins when apocalypse strike. Beside crows and rabbits, some wild pigs and dingo. The only problem could be to catch them, and here Mark,s machine gun or snipers may help.
Otherwise farm is off grid and you could survive in full comfort ages. Even two of my quads are fully electric, so i dont need to worry about petrol just in case.

545 posts
6 Aug 2019 11:04AM
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For those who are already prepping and would like some info on bringing up kids after the apocalypse this should be a help.

WA, 1849 posts
6 Aug 2019 4:08PM
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I know somebody that was a Prepper. He got himself all twisted up and ready for the the end of the Myan calander a few years ago.
When the end of the world never happened he lost it mentally and I believe ended up in a mental institution. I guess he wasn't prepared for that.

Im just gonna take it however it comes.

SA, 4783 posts
6 Aug 2019 6:22PM
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I like to wait until things happen and then sort it out. More of a challenge that way. Too many worry warts in this world!

WA, 668 posts
6 Aug 2019 5:38PM
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Macroscien said..
Give us some receipt for kanguru meal. On may remote outback farm it could be main source of proteins when apocalypse strike. Beside crows and rabbits, some wild pigs and dingo. The only problem could be to catch them, and here Mark,s machine gun or snipers may help.
Otherwise farm is off grid and you could survive in full comfort ages. Even two of my quads are fully electric, so i dont need to worry about petrol just in case.

You do know you could just walk right?

Anyone who has had a few chooks and a vegie garden knows you dont need nothing to survive especially electric quadrunners

WA, 668 posts
6 Aug 2019 5:43PM
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Toph said..
I know somebody that was a Prepper. He got himself all twisted up and ready for the the end of the Myan calander a few years ago.
When the end of the world never happened he lost it mentally and I believe ended up in a mental institution. I guess he wasn't prepared for that.

Im just gonna take it however it comes.

Had a few partys at the walsh with a homeboy called bear did same ended up topping himself just before 2012 due to mayan calander **** allegedley. Fairly famous dude if you want to wikipedia the grateful deads manager :P i keep good company sometimes. Othertimes its feral rebels

1221 posts
6 Aug 2019 6:44PM
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I look forward to the next time a big asteroid strikes

QLD, 487 posts
6 Aug 2019 9:03PM
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Toph said..
I know somebody that was a Prepper. He got himself all twisted up and ready for the the end of the Myan calander a few years ago.
When the end of the world never happened he lost it mentally and I believe ended up in a mental institution. I guess he wasn't prepared for that.

Im just gonna take it however it comes.

Interesting TopH. In a book i was reading not long ago called "The Lighthouse Keepers" by Stuart Buchanan. Which is based at his time on Bustard Head light station which is very close to where I live.

Anyway, when he was up on an Island known as Booby Island in the Torres's strait. He had a fellow light keeper who had a dream that god told him everywhere in the world will be destroyed apart from Portugal. So he needed money to get him and his family to Portugal pronto. That was in 1973

Apart from that if I was genuinely concerned the world was going to get into meltdown. I would load up some gear in the back of my truck, take my 17ft Haines Hunter with me and up I go to. A remote North Queensland island, I would set up a thread saying for anyone who wants to come needs to meet up with their entire food and more importantly alcohol collection. At my house. While the rest of the country is on its knees we can have the sea breezes all playing guitar, swimming, fishing, working on suntans, sipping margaritas, sailing, celebrating our strange Sense of humour. And all sorts.

Sounds like a better idea than what these guys have got


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Doomsday Preppers" started by Shanty