Yacht Sinks, So Man Hoists Spinnaker & Lives in Life Raft.

The yacht was still there, on the bottom, full of water, listing at a 45 degree angle with half the deck underwater. Hoisted from the masthead was a spinnaker, trimmed to near perfection, standing out clearly from the blue water of St Martin in yellow and white. Just below the spinnaker, was a fully inflated lift raft, with a guy swimming around it!
Of course if you arrived to a scene like this, the immediate question you'd ask the guy was whether he was ok. He was, happily swimming over to the life raft and jumping inside. All he wanted was some cigarettes and beer, asked in a thick French accent with little in the way of anxiety or concern in his voice.
A couple of days later, the boat was gone, assumed floated by a salvage company and hauled out for repair. Why the spinnaker was up, nobody will ever know, and whether in fact the French man in the lift raft was the owner, will also remain a mystery.
Check out the video to see the strange circumstances around this stricken yacht on St Martin, and if you're worried about this happening to you, read our article from last week, giving you three great tips for setting a perfect anchor .