Sabres Ready for Nationals at Perth Dinghy Sailing Club
It seems the Sabre Dinghy is going from strength to strength at East Fremantle Yacht Club; with 30 boats now at the club in only their third season complimenting the existing fleet at Perth Dinghy Sailing Club. The ever-expanding fleet is destined to keep growing with several people interested in getting into the class and looking for that ever-elusive boat to come onto the market.
Other Clubs in WA are interested in starting a fleet, but how to get boats is always the issue with the Sabre? Well, there may be help at hand as a group of WA Sabre sailors have had a set of moulds constructed. The first boat is now out of the mould and should be hitting the water soon. The second boat has also been sold and Dave Kenny is very keen to get his new boat wet.
The Cruising Yacht Club, Rockingham has joined the ever-expanding list of Clubs that sail Sabres, which is without doubt the fastest growing fleet in Australia. TCYC’s fleet already consists of four boats and the fifth is under construction.
The Sabres joined the TCYC fleet on the 6th October and had an absolute blast with a fleet of 22 boats. It was good to see the support for another club. Pete Coop is showing improvement and came second tobe the first EFYC boat around the course with Scott Olsen (PDSC) leading the pack.
March Long Weekend will see the East Fremantle Yacht Club Sabres once again at the Walpole Yacht Club for the In the Trees Regatta. This is by far the best place to sail in WA and makes for a great weekend.
Leone Woo of EFYC had a great birthday with her gift of a brand new Sabre. Along with the lady skippers,it is good to see some junior members enjoying their sailing with Ryan Miragliotta, Jacob Van Stroe and Pearson Kennington joining the Sabre fleet - this has caused the average Sabre sailors age to drop dramatically.
The National Titles are being held at Perth Dinghy Sailing Club this year with a fleet in excess of 80 boats (of all age groups) and a large amount of sponsors including City of Perth and MUSTO to guarantee a fantastic regatta. Now is a great time to get a Sabre and start enjoying sailing.
Although there is a severe lack of boats available Australia wide, they do come up from time to time, so contact the Sabre Association President Brian Jones on 0438 516 324 or or or
