Melbourne to King Island 2013 - Scarlet Runner takes line honours

4:13 PM Sat 9 Mar 2013 GMT
'Scarlet Runner' ? Alex McKinnon
Scarlet Runner has taken line honours in the 2013 Melbourne to King Island race.

In a time of 11 hours 41 minutes 13 seconds, Robert Date and his crew arrived behind the race record that earlier this morning they had looked on pace to beat.

The crew crossed the finish line in light breezes under Scarlet's bright red assy.

The rest of the fleet remains locked in a tight bunch, the front runners in the chasing group 46 nautical miles from the finish.

The boats that took the east route have capitalised on the slightly favourable winds they caught to be just ahead of the rest of the field as they tack back towards the rhumb line.

Addiction is just out front, sitting third in both AMS and PBH. eXtasea is on their tail just ahead of Wicked, in the second spot across AMS, IRC and PBH divisions.

But it's a tight contest, with a few tussles going on among the crowd. Weekend Option and Matrix are close enough to pass a cup of sugar, following the east route, and Tevake II is right behind Halcyon.

With the wind looking slightly stronger further east, Chikara Outlaw has a good chance of swinging in fast from its position further out and catching the rest of the fleet by surprise.

Streetcar is the only boat sailing the west route after Jake tacked east towards the main group, Jeremy Waltan and Aidan Gaysen putting in a valiant effort as the only double-handed yacht.

Magic, holding on to first in PBH is following Biddy Hu II on their straight-and-true route. Scott McDonald reported from onboard Biddy that it was tough to get any speed up over night.

The Biddy Hu II crew enjoying their breakfast as the wind starts to pick up - ORCV Melbourne to King Island - ORCV Committee

'After a good start out the heads, Biddy Hu II slowed to a drift until daybreak and we got the kite up,' he said.

'This picture was taken while discussing a gybe, but it was decided to wait until we finished the egg and bacon rolls and coffee.'

While the going might be slow, the view from on deck looks like today is a perfect day for it.

Scarlet Runner reaches the finish line - ORCV Melbourne to King Island - ORCV Committee
Current predictions have most of the fleet into King Island for a steak dinner.

Congratulations to Robert and the Scarlet Runner crew:
Fletcher Johnson, Emma Hardy, Brett Averay, Matt Fuller, Charles Hawes, Craig Evans, Samantha Chandler, Damian Knightsbridge, Tim Kenner and Kevan Pearce.

by Stephanie Juleff

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