Boaties for dinner: classic Aussie rescue story in the NT

The fast flowing creek in the Northern Territory is famous for being home to some decent sized crocodiles, so when fisherman Brett Murdoch and his family noticed a fuel can, an esky and then an upturned boat while motoring against the current, things weren’t looking good. Especially when they continued upstream to find ‘a real black croc’ and no sign of the boaties.
After dialing 000, presuming the boats occupants were drowned or eaten, they noticed the two men on the southern side of the river, well into the mangroves. Not wanting to muck around, Murdock instructed his wife and ‘young fella’ to get into the rear of the boat in order to raise the nose. Then sped at full power into the mangroves to pick them up.
“One jumped in, the second fell into the mud waist-deep. They didn’t know the croc was coming.”
When questioned whether the 3.5m croc was interested in the men, Mr Murdoch said: “In my opinion, no question. It was going upstream against quite a current and they don’t do that for nothing.”
After towing the boat back to the boat ramp, the two men called their wives and retrieved the boat. Meanwhile the Murdoch family resumed their fishing, with a nice catch of 13 Full-backs and many thrown back.
Is that a classic Aussie rescue story or what!? Upturned boat, crocodile infested river, two men cowering in the mangroves and a ‘no worries mate’ rescue… Apparently the rescued men are never going fishing again, and we wouldn’t blame ‘em after that!