Insane Kitesurfing Stunt - 277m high with Nick Jacobsen!!!!!

One man has done it, smashing the world record previously set by Jesse Richman in 2013; and he did it using sail power. Known for his crazy stunts, Nick Jacobsen has just outdone himself!
The Volvo Ocean race is in Capetown right now, and while they're on shore the teams are doing their best to collaborate with the worlds sporting elite. Already we've seen Kevin Langeree grab a ride (and a few selfies), but today footage was released of Nick Jacobsen that will be hard to top. He tied a rope to his back, launched a kite and had the yacht pull him to a dizzying height of 277m (over 900ft!)
Before you go thinking about a DIY version of this trick at home, the stunt wasn't without a ton of safety precautions. Jacobsen had a BASE parachute on his back, in case a kite line broke or the kite itself broke, extra safety gear allowing him to disconnect from the tow-up line in a second, and what looks to be a thicker than normal set of lines. The extra safety gear is not surprising considering he's flying nearly twice the height as most light aircraft do when sight-seeing!
This incredible kitesurfing stunt has to be seen to be fully appreciated, so check out Nick Jacobsen and Team Brunei off Capetown South Africa.