Freedom Kitesurfing Mag - Free on the App Store!

The team behind Freedom have been working on it for a few years now, with their first issue flying off kite shop walls in a matter of weeks thanks to a stunning photo of Keahi De Aboitiz on the cover shot by Jason 'Woody' Wolcott. He makes up part of the small team behind the magazine, supporting Editor Ollie Jacobs, Bill Crang and Reo Stevens.
With all their print issues reformatted for the iPad and in stunning HD - It's a great way to chill out and dive deep into the latest gear, exotic kiteboarding locatons and see behind the scenes with the pros. Better still, the back issues are all free!
If you're a fan of the print copies, then don't worry! Print is not dead, and subscriptions can always be purchased through their website, and individual copies are sold at newsagents all over the country. Over 1000 of them!
Download the Freedom Kitesurfing Mag App on the Apple App Store here.