20m high waves - Kitesurfed by Jesse Richman!

So how big were these puppies? Put it this way, the swell was reported at 5.2m with a period of 21 seconds. Funnel that up a 5km deep channel with a giant wall at the end, and you've got small waves at 40ft. The big ones? We don't know, and nobody was going to stand around with a measuring tape to work it out. These waves were monsters, munching jetski's, surfers, and anyone else that got in their path.
Richman is no stranger to waves this size, having ridden places like Jaws and Teahupo'o with a kite before, but Nazare is a special kind of wave. They're fast, and bumpy, plus the wind is never quite in the right direction, which makes it very difficult to ride! "Kitesurfing Nazare was a dream come true and complete chaos." Told Richman after the session. "Never have I seen such crazy waves!"
There's video footage to come, so stay tuned to see some of the most incredible waves every ridden with a kite. Until now, we've got one picture. That's it!