Sharks. Sharks Everywhere! Spearfishing in the Gulf

There's obviously more to the story, than just diving in to the water and lucking on this school of fish, but that's what it looks like! No reef, no ledge, no structures in the water at all. Just wide open blue and some of the best looking Wahoo you'll see anywhere - ripe for the picking. These blokes suit up and let rip, spearing some ripper fish before attracting the bull sharks.
As Bullies do, they're getting up close and personal with the divers as they try to get the fish onto the boat. All it takes is a couple of prods to keep them away, but with so many swimming around - it still makes for quite a gnarly scene. There's blood in the water, spear guns waving around, huge sharks circling, and divers dressed in camo suits.
What more could you ask for in a fishing video?