Forums > Surfing Longboarding

A trifecta? Not a hat trick... a collection of three?

Created by damned67 > 9 months ago, 8 Aug 2023
479 posts
8 Aug 2023 4:09PM
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Hey Everyone,
Friday last week, I added another board to the quiver. Well, one out, one in.
In came a 10'6" Munoz in the old Surftech tuflite construction.... along with a nice collection of fins.
It's almost the trifecta, given I also have an 11' Munoz and a 12' Munoz, although the 11' is in the new construction, as opposed to the old.
The 10'6" Munoz will sit nicely, not only with the other Munoz's, but the rest of the 10'+ quiver.
Haven't had a chance to get it in the water yet, hoping for a 'maiden voyage' on Thursday.

Oh, and as a complete tangent, knowing some crew on here are into MTBs, while it isn't a MTB, I picked this up on the weekend. My over-confident 6 yr old has decided all he wants to do it run his 16" BMX over the local pump track and jumps, so I bought this 24" Sunday Model C to try and keep up. It's been near on 30 years since I've been on a BMX, let alone on a track or in the air... so pray for my wrists.


QLD, 21893 posts
9 Aug 2023 3:19PM
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Your a mad man and I like it take it easy we don't bounce like we once did

479 posts
9 Aug 2023 2:07PM
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I 'retired' from BMX, all those decades ago, due to some less than enjoyable injuries.
And that's the biggest barrier to riding, the fear of gravity putting me in rapid contact with the ground.

That said, I grew up on BMX, was my passion for what felt like my entire life (but from about 7-18). Just sitting on the new bike at the track, feels 'right'. I certainly don't feel like I'm pushing 50..... except for my fear of rapid contact with the ground.

479 posts
12 Aug 2023 2:52PM
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Took the board out for it's 'maiden run' this morning.
My experience with my other Munoz's, is that they like a bit of grunt, a bit of speed. Today was not the conditions for that.
Nonetheless, very impressed with how the board performed in today's conditions. I can see myself really liking this board.

479 posts
23 Aug 2023 7:34PM
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Given this side of the forum is a bit dead at the moment, I'll post a bit of a follow up, now that I've had about 5 surfs on it.
I bought this board primarily to have the collection of the 10'6", 11' and 12' Munoz's. I actually didn't expect to use it much.
The package deal came with a 9" 4A fin (what the seller was using in the board), an 8" 4A, a 7.5" Skip Frye and the 8" surftech fin and side bites (G-1000s).
Any one that has read my posts, know that I love playing with fins.
Anyway, I'm in love with this board, it's so much fun to surf.... and that's been in somewhat mediocre waves. I can't wait to give it a spin in waves with a little more grunt. Paddles great, seems easy to get onto waves, and is surprisingly nimble... which is not a surprise given I reckon the 11' and 12' are 'nimble' for their size. It's just so much fun.
I started with the 9" 4A, in the position that it came in the board. I've not only not changed out the fin, I haven't moved it from the spot the seller had it in. The board has gone from something I thought would primarily sit in a quiver to, right now, being my go-to board. It could be the novelty of the 'new' board, but at no point have I looked at the forecast and questioned which board I was going to surf.

I've spent a little time on the bike too - while there's undoubtedly some 'muscle memory' there from spending so much time on BMX through my teens, its damn exhausting. Been riding it on 'pump' tracks, despite the lack of pedaling on these so-called pump tracks, it works the legs out!
Still haven't come in contact with the ground... yet. But I reckon my days are numbered there. Had a couple of close calls where my enthusiasm exceeded my skills.


479 posts
27 Sep 2023 8:33PM
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Since purchasing the 10'6" Munoz, I haven't surfed any other board. Just enjoying it too much at this stage.
Spent 4 nights up at Noosa at the beginning of the school holidays, and took that as an opportunity to play with fins.
Gave it a session with a 6" Shapers S9 template with FCS G-1000 sides, almost clustered like a thruster but with the centre pulled back a little. Was good, but felt like it lacked the drive of 9" 4A that was originally in the board.
Gave it a session with the original surftech fin - i should add a pic, but it looks like carbon fibre, thin base, reasonable rake and a bulbous tip - with the G-1000s, set up as a 2+1. Given the stiffness of the centre fin, I was surprised at how 'free' it actually felt.
Again, a good set up.
Nonetheless, reverted back to the 4A, in the exact same spot the seller had it.
Next time I'm playing with fins, I'll try the surftech fin as a single. Will also try the 8" 4A, and then maybe the 7.5" Skip Frye with side bites.
I ride both the 11' and 12' Munoz with a 7.5" IFD makai with sides. i should probably try that set up too in the 10'6".
So many options, so much fun.

479 posts
27 Sep 2023 8:53PM
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Oh, and still haven't stacked the BMX yet. But I'm sure every ride gets me closer to a rapid, gravity-driven contact with the ground.
But loving being back on the BMX, riding around with my 6 year old.
Bike prices are doing my head in. Mostly because I'm aging.
Spent $350 on a half-decent bike for the kid for christmas last year, and granted, I knew he'd grow out of it reasonably fast.
Given his love for riding on tracks, the next set up will be $500-700 for a half-decent bike. And even then its a choice of buying another bike he'll grow out of quickly for about $500 or one that'll he'll 'grow into' that we could easily spend $700 on. And I don't really like the idea of a bike that's a bit too big. Harder to control.
Seems like stupid prices, particularly given that I paid $800 for my bike.
But then I think back to when I was racing BMX as a teenager over 30 years ago. The cranks I was running cost me (my parents) $350 back then, which is probably the equivalent to more than what I just paid for my new bike!
Anyway, back to surf talk......

NSW, 706 posts
28 Sep 2023 8:33AM
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Damned,thanks for keeping the longboard forum alive!!,I also had the 10.6 original Munoz,and moved it on because I was more into logs at that time and felt the Munoz pushed water,and did not like being nose ridden,that was 3 years ago,and that's a big 3 years moving into your 70's,I would love the board back now,as the nose riding is not as important,as just being in the water ,and enjoying the glide and comfort that the glider style boards offer,particularly the Munoz original surftech ,probably miss my Tak prince more though

479 posts
28 Sep 2023 8:47PM
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I bought a 11' Prince from the same seller a few months before the Munoz. The Prince, in the current surftech build, is an amazing board. In a nice clean point break etc, the Prince is unbeatable. The 10'6" Munoz, in my mind, is a better all-rounder.
If I was heading to Noosa, and knew it was going to be clean runners on the points, the Prince would be the board of choice. However, if I was heading to Noosa, with the likelihood of surfing anywhere from Castaways all the way around to the woods/river mouth (inc the points), I'd take the 10'6" Munoz.

I'm fortunate enough to have a (wife that has let me collect a) quiver of boards that I love riding, arguably too many - I just need to remember to pull some of the others out at times!

WA, 2354 posts
28 Sep 2023 8:57PM
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damned67 said..
I bought a 11' Prince from the same seller a few months before the Munoz. The Prince, in the current surftech build, is an amazing board. In a nice clean point break etc, the Prince is unbeatable. The 10'6" Munoz, in my mind, is a better all-rounder.
If I was heading to Noosa, and knew it was going to be clean runners on the points, the Prince would be the board of choice. However, if I was heading to Noosa, with the likelihood of surfing anywhere from Castaways all the way around to the woods/river mouth (inc the points), I'd take the 10'6" Munoz.

I'm fortunate enough to have a (wife that has let me collect a) quiver of boards that I love riding, arguably too many - I just need to remember to pull some of the others out at times!

Or surf more so they can have a chance to party.

QLD, 21893 posts
29 Sep 2023 6:03PM
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damned67 said..
I bought a 11' Prince from the same seller a few months before the Munoz. The Prince, in the current surftech build, is an amazing board. In a nice clean point break etc, the Prince is unbeatable. The 10'6" Munoz, in my mind, is a better all-rounder.
If I was heading to Noosa, and knew it was going to be clean runners on the points, the Prince would be the board of choice. However, if I was heading to Noosa, with the likelihood of surfing anywhere from Castaways all the way around to the woods/river mouth (inc the points), I'd take the 10'6" Munoz.

I'm fortunate enough to have a (wife that has let me collect a) quiver of boards that I love riding, arguably too many - I just need to remember to pull some of the others out at times!

Are you dealing with a guy from Tweed Heads?

479 posts
2 Oct 2023 4:51PM
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Macaha said..

Are you dealing with a guy from Tweed Heads?

Nope - an absolute legend of a 'Breezer who reached out in response to a question of mine about soft boards.
An absolutely amazing person. We've exchanged 100's of messages now - one of the common threads is keeping eskies cold!
He's been downsizing/changing direction, and has given me first option on a couple of the boards as he decided to reliquish them.


QLD, 21893 posts
3 Oct 2023 2:59AM
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damned67 said..

Macaha said..

Are you dealing with a guy from Tweed Heads?

Nope - an absolute legend of a 'Breezer who reached out in response to a question of mine about soft boards.
An absolutely amazing person. We've exchanged 100's of messages now - one of the common threads is keeping eskies cold!
He's been downsizing/changing direction, and has given me first option on a couple of the boards as he decided to reliquish them.


Ok from Sydney then

SA, 1739 posts
5 Oct 2023 9:21AM
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damned67 said..

Macaha said..

Are you dealing with a guy from Tweed Heads?

Nope - an absolute legend of a 'Breezer who reached out in response to a question of mine about soft boards.
An absolutely amazing person. We've exchanged 100's of messages now - one of the common threads is keeping eskies cold!
He's been downsizing/changing direction, and has given me first option on a couple of the boards as he decided to reliquish them.


Lets see a quiver pic !

479 posts
5 Oct 2023 10:03PM
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thedrip said..

Or surf more so they can have a chance to party.

There is that... the whole family and work thing seems to get in the way 'though.


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"A trifecta? Not a hat trick... a collection of three?" started by damned67