The best swell to EVER hit Sunshine Beach

Every surfer on the East Coast remembers the day. It was raining and miserable, then like a magician had waved his magic wave wand. The clouds dissipated, the wind turned offshore and a small group of surfers embarked on a 45 minute paddle out the back at Sunshine Beach.

On hand to film it all was a bloke with a drone and a couple of professionals with some big lenses on the beach. The footage they came back with could easily be mistaken for a beach break in some surfers paradise (not THE surfers paradise, which is rarely a surfers paradise). But it sat on a hard drive for six months while they all had better things to do than edit it. Well, thanks to the wave lull we've had. They got around to it.

And it's nothing less than outstanding. Watch 12 minutes of the best beach break surfing you'll ever see from Sunshine Beach, when it was probably the most perfect break in the world at the time.