Gold Coast Reef Gets a 'Breast Enlargement'

As you can see, the Reef at Narrow Neck delivers amazing surf...
Offshore at a place on the Gold Coast, called Narrowneck, is an artificial reef. It's basically two sandbags, aligned East/West that 20 years ago, promised AMAZING waves.

The dream was for an epic left hander, plus a right hander, that promoted the sport of surfing and protected the beach from erosion. Time went on, the bags sunk a little, they began to split and slowly deflate, and well - you read the title. You know where we're going with this. Locals are calling it the Narrowneck 'Boob-Job'.

This week it was announced that $18 million was to be spent on renewing and protecting the Gold Coast's beaches. Two million of which is going to be spent on 400 Tonne sand bags for Narrowneck, plumping up the already existing reef and hopefully delivering that Kelly Slater Wave Co style left and right hander. Coucil plans show that the new bags will be placed directly on top of the other ones in August, along with a host of other works that will be littering the Gold Coasts white sandy beaches.

There's a million bucks going to fix the Southport Seawall, several going to Palm Beach for a new artificial reef (which might work better the first time around!) and the rest spent on beaches which need a little rejuvenation. Good time to be a surfer on the Gold Coast!