Slingsby Cops A Winch Handle in the You-Know-Whats...

Sometimes when you're sailing, it feels like the boat is out to get you. Kicked cleats on deck, smacked knuckles from winch handles. Rope Burn. You know why it's called a Boom? Sore back? Numb Bum? You know it!

Tom Slingsby knows it. He copped a winch in the you-know-whats and ended up on his head this week thanks to Oracle Team USA, the hydrofoiling Americas Cup Trainer. As they beared away downwind on the foils, the nose pitched forward and everything came to a shuddering halt. From 30+ knots to 0 in just a second, everyone had time to brace - except poor Tom, who went flying across the deck.

It's ok though! Because they caught it on film, and now you get to enjoy it too.