How to on the Weta

At Weta a lot of owners have taught themselves to sail on the Weta or who have just got back into sailing after a long time away. So we've put something together to start answering some of those questions!

First up the big one - how do your right a Weta after you capsize it? Well here is the answer, A step by step guide of how to right your Weta if you capsize it. That is, after eventually getting it to go over! (Attempts to capsize are at the end of the video )

Second question that we get from a few newbies is how to launch off a beach with waves. This beach only has small waves, we don't recommend trying in big ones, unless you have big ones...

Finally the racing tips - tacking a Weta. It will tack really easily, but in a racing situation doing it without creating to much drag takes technique, this is how I do it...