Will Your Children Catch More Plastic than Fish?

Will Your Children Catch More Plastic than Fish, when they're your age?
If you told them, they wouldn't believe it; but when your kids grow up to be your age -they'll have more chance of reeling in rubbish than fish. According to a paper that's just been released called the The New Plastics Economy: Rethinking the Future of Plastics , by the year 2050 there will be more plastic in our oceans than fish (by weight).

Of course it's not due to the fish slowly becoming extinct, or being fished out by super trawlers. This fact will become true by the worlds population continuing the culture of allowing plastics to leak into our oceans. Right now the equivalent of one garbage truck full of plastic is dumped into the ocean every minute, and in 35 years, that will be three garbage trucks.

In real numbers, we're talking about 8 million tons of plastic each year. That's on top of the current 150 million tons currently floating around with the fish we love to catch. If you've ever reeled in a slightly limp feeling fish, only to find out it's a stray shopping bag you've snagged, you know how disappointing it is. Would you bother going fishing if you reeled in more bags than fish?

Check out the research paper in the link above, and do what you can to reduce your plastic usage to keep the sport of fishing alive for your kids, and your kids kids!