Why El Nino is the Best Xmas Present EVER for Anglers!

"There's nothing worse than planning a fishing weekend in December, only to have a tropical cyclone bear down the coast of QLD, pushing 25 knot South Easterlies along with it."
It's predicted to be one of the hottest summers on record here in Australia, but the water temp is going to get colder! Not only great for those who enjoy an afternoon seabreeze, colder water is condusive to fish breeding although the opposite for agrigulture on land. Despite the outlook, El Nino is happening, and it's the biggest weather story of 2015. But if you're more interested in talking about fish than the weather, what does it mean for you? Here's three facts about El Nino and how it will affect you as a recreational angler.

There will be more fish. Colder water temps in Australia are attracting fish from the warmer sections of the Pacific to the east. While fish stocks are suffering mass casualties in Peru and the West coast of America, Australia is about to get a healthy push of your favourite species.

Less Rain, less Cyclones = more time for fishing! Traditionally, El Nino cycles bring fewer tropical cyclones to Australian shores, which is great for anglers who fish from boats! There's nothing worse than planning a fishing weekend in December, only to have a tropical cyclone bear down the coast of QLD, pushing 25 knot South Easterlies along with it.

It's going to get Bloomin' hot! High air temperatures are not only uncomfortable when you're sitting in a tinny on a calm day, they're also the perfect breeding temperatures for algae blooms! Growing on the surface of shallow, low nutrient rich water, there's hundred of different types of algae, some of which are harmless, others have the potential to devastate fish stocks, and make you pretty sick! Look out for notices at your local boat ramp or fishing spot, warning of algae blooms.