Strange Beautiful Fish washed ashore in Tasmania

"Have you ever seen a fish like this one"

The poor little guy was washed ashore down in Tasmania this month, in a little coastal town called Penguin. With its once smooth and beautiful fins looking tattered and torn, big beady eyes and tiny little tail, it's quite the unique catch, but very few knew what it was in Tasmania! Do you know what it is? Continue reading to find out! Pteraclis velifera, known as a Southern Fan Fish are often found as far north as QLD (contrary to their name!), usually swimming around between New South Wales and Tasmania. They can also be found over in New Zealand and South Africa, in the same range of latitudes. Nobody knows if this little guy was down south with others of the same species due to global warming, or if he was simply riding the EAC on his way to Wallaby Way, Sydney and forgot to get off.

Either way, it's certainly a unique little fish, did you know what it was?