Skateboarder Grinds handrail - Catches Fish!

The world of skateboarding is filled with an eclectic bunch of people, so to them, grinding down a handrail into a pond might seem normal. To us, catching a fish in a pond seems normal. Both together? Well that's a little far-fetched.

Aside from the strange fact that there is a hand rail leading into the pond in the first place, one has to wonder who dreamed up this idea for a skateboarding stunt. There have been skateboarders doing stranger things, but this one it's pretty funny.

Watch it for yourself though, as this bloke pushes off a piece of wood and ollies onto a handrail. Grinds down it, lands in a pond, swims around a bit and emerges with a giant fish in his hands. Sure, it looks a little dead. But it's a cool trick!