Shocking pic sequence of Sydney rock fishing.

Pics: Suzanne Lawson
This incredible sequence of images was taken by a local photographer in Manly, NSW this week, just 24 hours before a fishermans body washed up at nearby Grotto Point – highlighting the incredibly danger of rock fishing on ocean coastlines.

Suzanne Lawson from Manly snapped these pics last week, of the unidentified man being washed over the Manly rocks, before getting up and resuming fishing like nothing happened. He wasn’t wearing a life jacket, just a pair of shoes and a hat (which he even managed to keep on his head during the ordeal).

One day after these pics were taken, a 50 year old mans body washed up at nearby Grotto Point in Sydney Harbour. He’d been out rock fishing the night before, and never returned home to his family. This is yet another rock fishing death for the state of NSW, and adds to the total of more than two a year that happens Australia wide – highlighting the extreme risks taken by some rock fisherman when partaking in what’s known as Australia’s most dangerous sport.

Follow these tips to stay safe when rock fishing...

Rock Fishing Safety Tips

  • Never fish by yourself.
  • Tell someone you’re going
  • Wear light clothing, or a wetsuit
  • Wear appropriate footwear
  • Carry a life jacket, rope and torches
  • Observe first, fish later
  • Plan an escape route
  • Stay alert
  • Ask for local advice
  • Check for swell forecast!