New Rules for Fresh Water Anglers in QLD

Yabba Creek on Borumba Dam is one of the sites to be closed.
Look out for new rules coming in February for fresh water fishing if you’re in QLD!

To help preserve and ensure the sustainability of Queensland waterways, some areas will be closed to recreational (and commercial) fishing, various species will have new size and bag limits imposed, and the types of traps and baits will be restricted in some waterways.

Locations effected are the North Pine River at North Pine Dam, Sideling Creek at Lake Kurwongbah, Teviot Brook at Wyaralong Dam and Yabba Creek at Borumba Dam. This only brings them into line with the surrounding dams, which are already protected by the same rules.

As for species with new bag limits and sizing rules, expect to see Mary River cod, Murray cod, silver perch, Edgbaston hardyhead and cling gobies, freshwater mullet, gulf grunter, lake grunter and eel-tailed catfish all on the list. These species have been marked as ‘at risk’ resulting in these new rules allowing fewer fish to be taken.

Traps including set lines, funnel traps and round traps are all under the spotlights too, with new rules on marking (like writing your name etc) and quantities to come into effect as of the first of February.

How do you find out about the new rules? The best way is to use your smart phone. QLD Fisheries have just released a new app to go along with the new rules, which means you (quite literally) can carry every single rule in the book, right there in your pocket. It’s got size and bag limits, fishing locations and their associated rules, and even some handy tips. Download it in the App Store or on Google Play.

Or, if you’re not into the smartphones, use the old fashioned internet. All the rules are right here on the QLD Fisheries website.