How to Catch Monster GT in Queensland

When you go away on a fishing trip with the boys, you hope you'll catch the fish of a lifetime. You cross your fingers and hope that it will be you, you toss and turn all night before you leave thinking about it, and finally when your alarm goes off at 4am (and you're already awake), you think right, I'm off to catch that fish.

Well on this fishing trip to the islands of mid-north QLD, Cavy from Morningtide fishing did just that.

They spent an entire day in the car, raided the local fishing store for some BIIIIIIG lures, dodged the crocs on the boat ramp and bounced along for a few hours in a boat. On arrival they pulled up on an island (complete with shipwrecks) and set up camp on a bed of rocks. They rigged their rods and headed for more rocks. It was there, they found GT, and the look on Cavys face when he lands this monster is priceless.

Here's how to do it, and a great story about a fishing trip along the way…