Giganta-Groper in the Territory

Groovy? No, Giganta-Groper! 
It seems as though the Northern Territory is the place to go this year for some out-of-the-ordinary encounters with nature. This week, Brad Hinks finds a massive, and we mean massive Queensland Groper near Darwin.

“How’s this for a Groper Guys… We’ll get up to it. It’s a big boy! That is f-ing huge man! Look at him go!!!!”

The two boys in the boat are obviously excited by the find, but before they can do anything about it (like try to catch the monster). It freaks out and swims underneath the boat, knocking them around a little as it scrapes between the boat and the shallow sand underneath.

Reportedly, the Queensland Groper, or ‘Giant Groper’ as they’re also known, can grow up to four meters long and weigh in excess of 400kg. The massive fish has been found as far south as the Brisbane River, living on a variety of marine life including small turtles and even sharks.

What would you do if you saw a fish like this?