Fishing Village to Attract Asian Tourists to Townsville

Townsville offers both inshore and offshore fishing options, perfect for tourists.

The Asian tourism market are on the lookout for 'authentic experiences' when on holiday, and fishing is most definitely on their radar. North QLD is getting in on the action by promoting the region overseas, and now in Townsville, a new initiative hopes to bring recreational anglers over in droves.

The proposed TV show called the International Fishing Series will be filmed in Hinchinbook Harbour, Townsville where specialized accommodation and facilities have been built to cater for overseas anglers. With over $40 million spent on the facility, it's going to make Australia look like an incredible fishing destination!

"What they see on TV is what they will be able to experience first hand." Explained Marine Media Groups Michael Harris. "It will be an authentic style of accommodation and rather simple but that suits the location."

Authenticity is a major requirement for tourists coming to Australia to fish, and they want to be catching the same game fish they see on TV! Townsville is the perfect location to do so, with world-class conditions within easy reach of the coast.

Filming is expected to start in 2019 to coincide with the opening of the village in 2020.