Election provides a chance for Moreton Bay Fishing Haven

Recreational Fishing is one of the biggest attractions of Moreton Bay.
With an election looming in Queensland, now is your chance to influence a major change for recreational fishing in the state!

“Help us make Moreton Bay a world class recreational fishing haven, as a first step to developing a network of recreational fishing havens throughout Queensland. With Premier Newman announcing a snap election, we only have days to get the major political parties in Queensland to support this proposal. With your help, in Victoria both major parties answered our call to make Port Phillip Bay a recreational fishing reserve. We can do the same in Queensland.”

The Keep Australia Fishing organization is putting a call out to all recreational anglers in Australia, to help our mates in QLD out. Moreton Bay is fast becoming smaller and smaller for anglers, with marine sanctuaries getting bigger and bigger each year. Down south in Victoria, recreational fishermen had a win last year when Port Philip bay was declared a ‘Recreational Fishing Reserve’, which basically means it’s an awesome place to go fishing! With no commercial activity in the area, fish are allowed to re-populate, and there’s more chance of hooking a big one when you yourself are out there.

Get on board by sending your local MP a message, tell them a story about the good times you have on the water, or invite them out to drop a line in with you. It’s amazing what a politician will do for some votes!

Find out who to invite on the Keep Australia Fishing website.