100kg Tuna Caught with a Leg Rope?!

The fish is bigger than him, and he caught it with a legrope!
If you were stand up paddling or surfing, and you noticed a fin in the lineup, what would you do?

Most, would start heading for the beach, but not Frenchman Philippe De L?pervanche! He went to investigate, and instead of a shark, found a 220lb (100kg) Tuna lazily swimming around. Instead of taking a picture with his GoPro, the fisherman in him saw an opportunity; but he only had a leg rope to use!

As any angler knows, you've gotta do, what you've gotta do sometimes. So he jumped off the board and somehow managed to get his leg rope around the fish's tail. "At that moment, I dove in his direction." Explains the extreme angler, Philippe. "I tied him up with the leash. And I grabbed it while swimming in the direction of the beach"

Now for those who've seen just how strong a healthy Tuna is, this fish was reported to be swimming very sluggishly. Even Philippe admits it was injured, but it wasn't ready to give up! He used the waves to drag him in to the beach, and after 10 minutes in the impact zone he had the monster Tuna on dry land.

Cheered on by dozens of onlookers, he snapped a few pics before divvying up the fish for his mates. Apparently they're having a BBQ this weekend with it - What a catch!!